Mention the word vasectomy to a group of men and instantly make them cringe. In spite of its popularity, vasectomy remains a subject feared by most men. Understandable though as misconceptions are circulated around and somehow believed to be true  by others.

Vasectomy or male sterilization is a surgical procedure used as a permanent form of birth control. It is safe, simple and highly effective. The actual procedure may sound alarming, but it’s usually quick and with very little pain.

How about we put some old myths to rest and shed some light on the truth about vasectomy?

Myths and Truths About Vasectomy:

MYTH: You will lose sexual function with vasectomy.
Vasectomy does not decrease your sex drive. Remember that being sterile is different from being impotent. The only thing a vasectomy does is interrupt the passage of sperm during an orgasm. The hormone levels, blood flow and the ability to get erections are not changed – you will still have an erection and ejaculate. In fact, many couples enjoy better sex as worrying about unwanted pregnancy is a thing of the past.

MYTH: Vasectomy increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.
This has been refuted by relatively large studies and current research shows there is no evidence that a vasectomy increases the threat of prostate cancer.

MYTH: You are sterile as soon as the procedure is done.
A man is not sterile immediately after the procedure is done. Depending on the male, it can take months (usually 3 months) of ejaculation before all sperm are cleared and hits zero. Semen analyses are done and until the samples show no sperm, only then will a man be considered sterile.

MYTH: It will make you less than a man.
Vasectomy will not affect your masculinity. This procedure has no influence on your hormones and you will continue to develop and maintain your male characteristics which only mean you will still be your perfect old self.

MYTH: A vasectomy procedure requires hospitalization.
A vasectomy can usually be performed in a doctor’s office in an outpatient setting and the procedure is mostly completed in less than 30 minutes.

MYTH: The procedure is painful.
A vasectomy is done under local anesthetic, and most men that have undergone this procedure describe the pain as minimal. There is also a new method called No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) which has grown in popularity. The no-scalpel approach is a comfortable option chosen by most men since there is little bleeding, no stitches, and a faster recovery time.