Chiropractic is a branch of alternative medicine that focuses on the detection and correction of misalignments and mechanical unbalance in the body. It is a related field of osteopathy and vitalism. Chiropractic emerged in 1895 in direct competition with the medical profession as a viable healthcare modality. The 19th century was an era of belief in one cause, one cure; and chiropractic had a theory that disease was caused by displaced vertebrae interfering with ‘nerve vibrations’ – a supernatural, force of vitality. Vitalism is the belief that properties, powers, and principles neither physical nor chemical, are at work.

Chiropractic founder DD Palmer believed that by removing interference by repositioning the vertebrae, the inherent capacity to heal was restored, and a cure inevitable. Palmer based his new therapy on vitalistic principles as outlined by Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius. Who knows what we might be calling ‘protein’ were it not for Berzelius; and the basis for the periodic table as a system of chemical symbols was his creative logic. As one of the fathers of modern chemistry, Berzelius argued that a regulative force must exist within living matter to maintain its functions.

Vitalism arose from human curiosity for where it is that we come from, and what it is that constitutes life.

For some, life came from an unknown and unknowable vital force: for others, vital force was a cosmic placeholder; some piece of attainable knowledge not yet grasped. Vitalism has had many meanings throughout the centuries, and developments in science and technology explain much of our biological phenomena.

Studying genetics began in the 19th century with Gregor Mendel presenting his three fundamental Laws of Heredity at the Natural History Society in 1865. As segregation, independent assortment and dominance laid the foundation for modern genetics, it effectively shifted the sands of vitalism. The impact of genetics on modern health over the last century-and-a-half is profound: genome sequencing can significantly stratify cancer, characterise genetic disease, and provide valuable information about an individual’s likely response to treatment.

Historically, the medical fraternity has used vitalism as the lever to deny legitimate status for chiropractic as a recognised . In1963, the American Medical Association (AMA) formed the Committee on Quackery to determine the true nature of chiropractic practitioners, and to inform the medical profession and the public of its findings. Skepticism is often due to chiropractic care not requiring invasive surgery or prescriptions to treat complex symptoms. The AMA has maintained a prolonged campaign against the chiropractic profession since its inception.

Vitalism remains a component of chiropractic, always with the question as to whether vitalistic ideology is compatible with the legal and ethical requirements of registered healthcare professionals. As a vague definition of a representation of supernatural force, vitalism is a hypothesis unable to be adequately tested that sits in the heart of division within the chiropractic profession. It is a spectre over the legitimacy, cultural authority and integration into mainstream healthcare chiropractic have may have otherwise easily earned.

Although not medical doctors, chiropractors are educated in human anatomy, physiology, radiographic analysis; and are professionally trained in the treatment protocols of the diagnosis and relief of acute, or chronic pain. Manual manipulation of the musculoskeletal system is a skill requiring intricate knowledge and evidence-based muscle and joint treatment plans. When it comes to treating lower back pain, chiropractors have more information and experience than many other healthcare providers, and the adoption of worldwide clinical guidelines earns them professional courtesy with the ability to exercise the ‘Dr’ salutation.

Using the highest quality therapeutic lasers in Australia a light-based treatment provider will always provide a pre-treatment consultation. All equipment needs to comply with Australian laser safety standards, with the proper promotion and practice of health and safety. The client and all technicians must be suitably equipped with the appropriate, and to-standard protection both during the procedure, and whenever entering the area lasers are in use.

Physical manipulation is an effective treatment for relieving pain, stiffness and other chronic symptoms that lessen the enjoyment of living. As with many therapists, chiropractors implement innovative treatments as technology continues to develop, and laser therapy has proven highly useful in increasing the effectiveness of chiropractic.

Since laser therapy continues to prove its benefits, osteopaths also seek to be known online as users of this technology.

The idea that laser light energy can reduce pain and inflammation, accelerate healing in damaged tissues, relax muscles, and stimulate nerve regeneration seems implausible.

However, science tells us that these effects occur. To what extent, and what wavelength and power are the questions.

Wavelength and power determine the penetration capacity of the laser, which happens once you’re infrared and above 800 nanometres in wavelength. To achieve depth, significant energy is needed.

There are two classes of laser used in therapy: Class 3 and Class 4.

Class 3 lasers have less than 500 milliwatts of power; Class 4 greater. Class 3 lasers are often referred to as ‘cold lasers’, and the therapy may be called ‘LLLT’ for low-level laser therapy.

In contrast, Class 4 laser therapy’s alternate moniker is ‘HPLT’ for high-power laser therapy.

The majority of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions respond better to a higher power, higher dosage function of power output and time. Optimum results are obtained with 30 watts of power or more. A 10-minute treatment with a 30-watt laser produces 18,000 joules of significant pain relief and healing and patients can expect an awareness of improvement after the first and second treatments.

Sometimes five or more sessions may be needed for more chronic and extensive injuries.

Specific wavelengths of light are used in laser therapy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and condense the recovery time of accident or injury. Cold lasers non-invaseively treat the area by accurate access to muscle tissue. Laser light increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue, speeding up the healing process.

Cold laser treatment stimulates cellular interaction that produces fibroblasts, which expedite the body’s natural healing cycle by secreting collagen proteins. Building and maintaining the structural framework of tissue is how healing occurs.

Endorphin production increases with laser treatment, and this polypeptide of the pituitary gland is the hormone for the easing of pain and discomfort. Enkephalins produce an analgesic effect that pain-blocks certain nerve fibres. Cold laser therapy promotes nerve regeneration and nerve recovery, and research shows that low-intensity light therapy can accelerate the process of bone repair and healing by the stimulating effect it has on bone cells.

Because of its cell regeneration outcomes, the laser therapy administered by your chiropractor can assist in overall improvement of muscle and tissue health and joint flexibility.

Laser therapy is one of the fastest, most effective modalities chiropractors currently for successfully treating pain and injury.

Research estimates that approximately 20% of the adult world population deals with 20% with chronic pain, with an increase of 10% a year. Many find innovative treatments and cold laser therapy has been shown to provide a number of health benefits for both acute and chronic conditions. Its versatility as a remedial discipline has proven successful in alleviating the pain and discomfort of oedema, sprains, strains, bursitis, tendonitis and arthritis.

Somebody should write a song about that.