Parents recognise the importance of explaining puberty and periods to their kids. It can be hard. And a little daunting at times. It becomes downright frightening when dealing with your own children. Most parents at some point dreads the day of ‘the talk’. They would like to put it off as far back as possible.

This is especially difficult for parents with different genders. A single mom to her son. A single dad to his daughter. It is all sorts of awkwardness. Their reproductive parts and the functions are different. It is just is a difficult topic to open up to. Thankfully,  with the technology we have available, children are bound to be more knowledgeable about these things than us in our time. It can be a double edged sword. They have resources not available in our day. With the internet plus their cellphones, gadgets and social connections, they are exposed and might already have some idea as to how puberty works. The downside to this is that their ideas might be wrong. And waiting too long, you will not have control of what information they get or how they use these information in such a way that will not cause them harm.

It helps that from the onset you have used actual names of body parts with your children. And that you are open for trivial things they might ask you at times. Sometimes it is necessary to show images of gynaecology just to reiterate what their science subjects probably already taught them. 

Most children, at a certain age, will also avoid this topic. Not because they are not curious, but because it can be uncomfortable to hear it from their parents. And they can’t ask the questions they really want to ask. But comfort has to take a back seat. The importance of explaining puberty and periods can demystify the changes that they are going through. More than the physical changes, their emotions also needs reassurance. At this stage they need accurate, reliable information and affirmation what is happening to their bodies. Only in this way can they be better equipped to handle the subtle changes their bodies are going through. And the more open the lines of communication between you and your child have, the less worry you both will have.